Saturday, June 25, 2011

The go ahead.

After a week of diligent follow up with the clinic we were given a go ahead to come and pick up the reports. I immediatly made plans to travel on the next weekday though my husband could not travel due to work. Silently praying that all will be well with the baby, I arrived in the city on Friday morning and checked into the guest house provided by the orphange.

At 10 AM sharp I landed at the orphange impatient to see the baby. He was up and about and surprisingly recognised me as well. Post which I went about collecting all the reports and scheduled a meeting with the doctor to discuss the same. By 5 PM that evening, the pediatrician gave us a go ahead for adoption as besides malnutrition the baby was perfectly healthy. I called my husband and then immediatly called the orphange to give a final go ahead.

The orphange had been prepared for the same and gave us a bit of good news. They had anticipated the results and got us a slot on Monday at the court house for Foster Care Agreement registration. they wondered if we would like to take him home by Monday evening. We were ecstatic. Yes, we said.

And then it stuck me, I will be a mother in a matter of days. For a moment I panicked. Would I be a good mother? What do I know about what a one and half year old child needs? We didnt even have any clothes for him. Or toys. Then my husband asked me to stop hyperventilating and rejoice. Our dream was finally coming true.



  1. All true and so sad because I have felt that way so many times....alone and struggling.

    Bethany adoption

  2. We are going to start the process of adoption soon. Unfortunately, it looks like you stopped posting. Do you have another blog somewhere? Most blogs online are foreigners adopting from India. I wanted the perspective of an Indian adopting in India. Hope you can publish more details
